fr和f a频率由压电陶瓷材料及其物理参数决定。等效电路常数可以从以下公式确定:
考虑到fr≤f≤fa的有限频率范围,阻抗给出为Z = R e + jwL e(Le≤= 0),如图1.5所示。 陶瓷谐振器应当作为具有损耗R e(Ω)的电感器L e(H)操作。
图1.1显示了陶瓷谐振器和石英晶体谐振器之间等效电路常数的比较。 注意,电容和Q m存在很大差异,这导致实际操作时振荡条件的差异。 附录中的表格显示了每种陶瓷谐振器的等效电路常数的标准值。
除了期望的振荡模式之外,存在用于其他振荡模式的高次谐波。 存在这些其他振荡模式是因为陶瓷谐振器使用机械共振。 图1.6显示了这些特征。
在使用LC的正反馈振荡电路中,通常使用Colpitts和Hartley的调谐型反耦合振荡电路。 见图1.7。
在图1中。 在图7中,使用晶体管,它是最基本的放大器。
振荡频率与Colpitts电路中由L,C L1和C L2组成的电路的谐振频率大致相同,或者由Hartley电路中的L 1,L 2和C组成。 这些频率可以用下面的公式表示。
在陶瓷谐振器振荡器中,利用陶瓷谐振器代替电感器,利用谐振器在谐振和反谐振频率之间变为电感的事实。 最常用的电路是Colpitts电路。
这些振荡电路的工作原理如图2.1所示。 满足以下条件时发生振荡。
环路增益:G =α•β≥1
相位量:φT=φ1+φ2= 360°•n(n = 1,2,...)
在Colpitts电路中,使用φ1= 180°的反转,并且在反馈电路中用L和C反转φ2= 180°。 用陶瓷谐振器的操作可以认为是相同的。
INV.1用作振荡电路的反相放大器。 INV.2用作波形整形器,也用作输出的缓冲器。
反馈电阻R f在逆变器周围提供负反馈,以便在通电时振荡开始。
如果R f的值太大而输入逆变器的绝缘电阻很低,则由于环路增益的损失,振荡将停止。而且,如果R f太大,则可以将来自其他电路的噪声引入振荡电路。显然,如果R f太小,则环路增益会降低。 1MΩ的R f通常与陶瓷谐振器一起使用。
负载电容:负载电容C L1和C L2提供180°的相位滞后。应根据应用,使用的IC和频率正确选择这些值。如果C L1和C L2的值低于必要值,则高频环路增益会增加,从而增加了寄生振荡的可能性。这特别有可能在厚度振动模式所在的4-5MHz附近。
该电路中的振荡频率(f OSC)大致由下式表示。
其中,f r:陶瓷谐振器的谐振频率。
C L = C L1•C L2 / C L1 + C L2
CMOS反相器:CMOS反相器可用作反相放大器; 4069 CMOS组的单级型最有用。由于增益过大,环形振荡或CR振荡是使用三级缓冲型逆变器(如4049组)时的典型问题。 ECS采用RCA CD4O69UBE作为CMOS标准电路,如图3.2所示。
HCMOS逆变器有两种类型:非缓冲74HCU系列和带缓冲器的74HC系列。 74HCU系统是陶瓷谐振器的最佳选择。见图3.3
TTL逆变器电路:由于阻抗匹配,负载电容C L1和C L2的值应大于CMOS的值。此外,反馈电阻R f应小至几KΩ。注意,需要偏置电阻R d来正确确定DC工作点。
以下页面是ECS标准测试电路。这些电路中使用的逆变器被广泛接受为工业标准,因为它们的特性代表了同一系列(CMOS / HCMOS / TTL)中微处理器中的特性。当然,应用将使用不同的IC,并且可以预期,振荡器电路特性将因IC而异。
例如,如果使用的微处理器是摩托罗拉6805,频率为4MHz,那么正确的ECS部件号将是ZTA4.OMG(频率分类到CD4O69UBE CMOS测试电路)。电路参数应选择如下:
通过实际设置该电路以及下面图3.1所示的标准测试电路,可以确定使用带有6805处理器的ZTA4.OMG时可以预期的平均偏移。 实际数据如下所示:
根据这些数据,可以预测标准ZTA4.00MG谐振器的频率偏离原始的4.00MHz±0.5%初始容差约+ 0.06%。 这当然是一个可以忽略不计的转变,不会以任何方式影响电路性能。
微处理器的应用:陶瓷谐振器是各种微处理器的最佳稳定振荡元件:4位,8位和16位。由于微处理器参考时钟所需的一般频率容差为±2% - 3%,因此标准单元满足此要求。向您的ECS或LSI制造商询问电路常数,因为它们随频率和使用的LSI电路而变化。图A显示了具有4位微处理器的应用程序,图B显示了具有8位微处理器的应用程序。
遥控器IC:遥控器越来越成为一种常见功能。振荡频率通常为400-500 KHz,455KHz是最受欢迎的。该455KHz被载波信号发生器分频,从而产生大约38KHz的载波。
上升时间主要是振荡电路设计的函数。通常,较小的负载电容,较高频率的陶瓷谐振器和较小尺寸的陶瓷谐振器将导致较快的上升时间。随着谐振器的电容减小,负载电容的影响变得更明显。图6.2显示了对负载电容(C L)和电源电压的上升时间的实际测量。值得注意的是,陶瓷谐振器的上升时间比石英晶体快一到二十倍。 (这一点在图6.3中用图解说明)
在-20°C至+ 80°C的范围内,温度变化的稳定性为±0.3至0.5%,尽管根据陶瓷材料的不同而略有不同。负载电容(C L1,C L2)对振荡频率的影响相对较高,可以根据f OSC的公式计算.ffC。由于电容,变化约±0.1%
工作电压范围内的偏差为±0.1%。 f OSC。也随IC的特性而变化。
振荡水平:以下是振荡水平对温度,电源电压和负载电容(C L1,C L2)的实际测量示例。振荡水平要求在很宽的温度范围内保持稳定,并且温度特性应尽可能平坦。除非IC具有内部恒定电压电源,否则这种变化与电源电压呈线性关系。
对于新的振荡器,来自污染物再分配和应力松弛的频率变化高达每天十亿分之几。 VECTRON晶振的标准做法是燃烧或老化新的振荡器,同时持续监测频率,直到日常老化速率稳定。所需的时间取决于振荡器频率和晶体切割以及指定的老化速率。典型的老化持续时间从不到一周到几周不等。
当振荡器关闭时,污染物开始再次向新的平衡状态移动。如前所述,在较低温度下重新分配的速度要小得多。如果断电时间很短,并且存储温度适中,则振荡器将恢复到接近于在短暂预热期后在装运时测量的老化速率。实际频率接近 - 但不相同 - 由于滞后并且因为在断电期间老化持续,但不一定是相同的速率。
延长的断电间隔,或(根据对受试者的一些参考)在断电间隔期间暴露于极端温度允许更大程度的应力松弛和污染物重新分布。在这种情况下,在原始生产老化期间获得的一些老化稳定性丢失。因此,当重新施加功率时,需要更长的再稳定时间来达到先前的老化速率。重建期间有所不同。 24小时后对三次泛音AT切割恒温振荡器的再稳定化表示非应力补偿晶体的非常好的性能。甚至少量晶体污染的存在将显着延长再稳定期。
这在实践中意味着什么?首先,如果可能的话,应该持续为恒温振荡器供电。如果电源中断是不可避免的,请注意振荡器将比正常预热需要一些时间才能恢复到先前的老化速率,并且由于老化和滞后,不太可能返回到完全相同的频率。 AT切割谐振器的迟滞不太可能比10-8中的几个部分好得多。重新稳定期间的频率调整不是一个好主意。凭借其设计精密恒温振荡器的丰富经验,Vectron晶振能够协助确定适当的再稳定期,特别是在断电期超过几天且需要更长的再稳定期的情况下。
LC谐振器是最简单和常用的定时电路,由放大器,电感器和电容器组成。主要优点包括低成本和易于集成,特别是在高频率下。然而,它不是非常准确,并且随温度变化很大。这种可变性提供了一个额外的属性:宽拉范围。因此,在开发小型或高度集成的压控振荡器(VCO)时,LC是首选的谐振器。这些振荡器在PCB或片上设计用于跟踪或锁定其他频率。由于温度可以使频率+/- 10,000 ppm或更高,因此LC不够精确,无法单独运行。
陶瓷谐振器的主要优点是成本。如果您正在寻找最低成本和稳定的解决方案,那么这项技术可以帮助您实现这一目标。不要指望在整个温度范围内稳定性小于+/- 1000ppm。该谐振器成本低,但不能用于精确或甚至部分精确的定时。玩具,低端设备和低端MCU应用程序等通用应用程序可以摆脱这种不精确的程度。如果您需要更高的精度,其他谐振器将帮助您。
石英晶体因其自补偿温度稳定性,出色的初始精度和适中的成本而成为时间之王。作为谐振器,它具有高Q值,可实现极低的在线噪声。批量生产已经对这些设备的精度和成本进行了微调,因此价格适中的晶体现在可以实现+/- 20ppm至+/- 50ppm的总体精度。它具有出色的稳定性,是当今许多连接协议的理想时间基础,从Wi-Fi,Zigbee和蓝牙到汽车LIN / CAN,以太网,UART和工业应用。定时MCU和使用石英晶体的处理器提供的精度可以满足常见的连接协议。但是,有些协议需要更高的性能。晶体的精度可以提高。
虽然XO提供缓冲和频率转换,但它们跟踪石英晶体毛坯的精度。若干通信和电信应用,例如点对点RF,GNSS / GPS,移动电话,LPWAN网关和其他精密RF连接系统,需要在整个温度范围内具有+/- 0.5ppm至+/- 2.5ppm的频率稳定性。Stratum III需要+/- 0.28ppm的稳定性。裸露的石英不够稳定,不易达到低于10ppm的稳定性。TCXO经历了一个制造流程,可以测量和校准其频率偏差。明显的缺点是成本。请记住,没有什么比终端系统中不可操作的数据链路更昂贵。
OCXO可以达到几乎不可想象的精度水平+/- 0.1ppm至0.1ppb或更高的温度。TCXO技术不仅使用温度校准。OCXO通过添加二阶控制 - 石英毛坯的温度来实现稳定性。在启动时,OCXO将石英毛坯加热到比环境温度高约10度,并将温度控制在该水平,从而最大限度地减少温度扰动。在许多情况下,OCXO还具有机械防护冲击和振动功能,使终端系统能够实现最大时钟精度以满足要求。与军用和雷达相关的许多应用以及用于移动电话的基站收发信台(BTS)需要这种精确度。快速移动车辆中的先进高精度GPS也需要高精度。
MEMS技术与石英并行发展。MEMS基于硅而非石英晶体,具有小型化和抗冲击和振动的优点。由于与MEMS谐振器相关的复杂性,MEMS的主要缺点是成本。虽然它可以用于晶体,XO和TCXO涵盖的各种应用中,但是当需要高耐久性时,MEMS是最佳的。此外,在尺寸为1.6 x 1.2mm的超小尺寸下,MEMS与晶体竞争非常激烈。可穿戴设备,无线充电板,工业控制,机器人,无人机和AR / VR等应用可以充分利用MEMS的耐用性和尺寸。
应用于每个电信公司核心部分的顶部时钟(PRTC / T-GM)通过铯和铷等原子钟实现了极高的精度。安装在网络上的每个设备都与这个顶部时钟同步,但是如果由于某种原因无法实现同步,则需要以其自身的准确度继续通信定义了Holdover的准确性,它确保了在时间之前基于同步数据的准确性,以及以其自身精度操作的自由运行的准确性。
高精度的TCXO(温补晶振)是可以作出温度补偿功能的振荡器,可实现与OCXO(恒温晶体振荡器)一样的高精度值.这类的高精度TCXO振荡器主要用于网络基础设施.为了在4G以及5G中实现高同步设置,村田陶瓷谐振器公司正在开发频率稳定度为STRATUM 3级或者更高级别的产品.除了存在或者不存在Vc功能外,输出波型还可以选择两种类型的:削波正弦和CMOS.
What is frequency at load capacitance?【2019-04-16】
1. Introduction
When ordering crystals for oscillators that are to operate at a frequency f, e.g. 32.768 kHz or 20 MHz, it is usually not sufficient to specify the frequency of operation alone. While the crystals will oscillate at a frequency near their series resonant frequency, the actual frequency of oscillation is usually slightly different from this frequency (being slightly higher in “parallel resonant circuits”).1
So, suppose you have a crystal oscillator circuit and you want to purchase crystals such that when placed in this circuit the oscillation frequency is f. What do you need to tell the crystal manufacturer to accomplish this? Do you need to send a schematic of the oscillator design with all the associated details of its design, e.g. choice of capacitors, resistors, active elements, and strays associated with the layout? Fortunately, the answer is no. In addition to the frequency f, all that is needed is a single number, the load capacitance CL .
2. What is CL ?
Suppose your crystal oscillator operates at the desired frequency f. At that frequency, the crystal has complex impedance Z, and for the purposes of frequency of operation, this is the only property of the crystal that matters. Therefore, to make your oscillator operate at the frequency f, you need crystals that have impedance Z at the frequency f. So, at worst, all you need to specify is a single complex number Z = R+jX. In fact, it is even simpler than this.
While in principal one should specify the crystal resistance R at the frequency f, usually the crystal-to- crystal variation in R and the oscillator’s sensitivity to this variation are sufficiently low that a specification of R is not necessary. This is not to say that the crystal resistance has no effect; it does. We shall discuss this further in Section 4.
So, that leaves a single value to specify: The crystal reactance X at f. So, one could specify a crystal having a reactance of 400 ? at 20 MHz. Instead,however, this is normally done by specifying a capacitance C L and equating.
where we have set ω = 2πf. Physically, at this frequency, the impedance of the series combination of the crystal and a capacitance C L has zero phase (equivalently, has zero reactance or is purely resistive). See Figure 1. To see this, consider
where the second step follows by Equation (1) and the fact that the reactance of a capacitance C is -1/( ωC).
Figure 1—This series combination has zero-phase impedance at a frequency where the crystal has load capacitance CL
So, the task of assuring proper oscillation frequency is the task of providing components (crystals in this case) that, at the specified frequency, have the required reactance, which is stated in terms of a capacitance CL by Equation (1).2 For example, instead of specifying crystals having a reactance of 400 ? at 20 MHz, we specify crystals having a load capacitance of 20 pF at 20 MHz, or more normally, we specify that the crystal frequency be 20 MHz at a load capacitance of 20 pF.
In “parallel resonant circuits,” CL is positive, typically being between 5 pF and 40 pF. In this case the crystal operates in that narrow frequency band between the crystal’s series and parallel resonant frequencies (F s and F p , respectively).
While a truly “series resonant circuit” does not have a load capacitance associated with it [or perhaps an infinite value by Equation (1)], most “series resonant circuits” actually operate slightly off of the series resonant frequency and therefore do have a finite load capacitance (that can be positive or negative).However, if this offset is small and specifying a load capacitance is not desired, it can either be ignored or handled by a slight offset in the specified frequency f.
As we shall see in Section 4, both the oscillator and the crystal determine C L . However, the crystal’s role is rather weak in that in the limit of zero resistance,the crystal plays no role at all in determining C L . In this limiting case, it makes sense to refer to C L as the oscillator load capacitance as it is determined entirely by the oscillator. However, when it comes time to order crystals, one specifies crystals having frequency f at a load capacitance C L , i.e. it is a condition on the crystal’s frequency. Because of this,it would be reasonable to refer to C L as the crystal load capacitance. For the sake of argument, we simply avoid the issue and use the term loadcapacitance.
注释:1> When ordering crystals for series resonant operation,instead of specifying a value for C L , be sure to state that the frequency f refers to the series-resonant frequency, F s .
2> This is not to say that all aspects of frequency determination are tied to this single number. For example,other aspects of the crystal and oscillator determine whether the correct mode of oscillation is selected and the system’s frequency stability (short and long term).
3. Defining F L at C L
We now take Equation (1) as our defining relation for what we mean by a crystal having a given frequency at a given load capacitance.
Definition: A crystal has frequency F L at a load capacitance C L when the reactance X of the crystal at frequency F L is given by Equation (1), where now ω = 2πF L .
Recall that, around a given mode, the reactance of a crystal increases from negative values, through zero at series resonance, to large positive values near parallel resonance where it rapidly decreases to large negative values, and then again it increases towards zero. (See Reference [1].) By excluding a region around parallel resonance, we have a single frequency for each value of reactance. In this way,we can associate a frequency F L given a value of C L .So, positive values of C L correspond to a frequency between series and parallel resonance. Large negative values of C L , correspond to a frequency below series resonance while smaller negative values correspond to frequencies above parallel resonance.(See Equation (3) below.)
3.1. The crystal frequency equation So, how much does the frequency of oscillation depend on the load capacitance C L ? We can answer this question by determining how the crystal frequency F L depends on the crystal load capacitance CL . One can show that to a very good approximation that
where C 1 and C 0 are the motional and static capacitances of the crystal, respectively. (See Reference [1] for a derivation and discussion of this relation.) For the purposes of this note, we shall refer to Equation (3) as the crystal frequency equation.
This shows the dependence of a crystal oscillator’s operational frequency on its load capacitance and its dependence on the crystal itself. In particular, the fractional frequency change when changing the load capacitance from C L1 to C L2 is given to good approximation by
3.2. Trim sensitivity
Equation (3) gives the dependence of operating frequency F L on the load capacitance C L . The negative fractional rate of change of the frequency with C L is known as the trim sensitivity, TS. Using Equation (3), this is approximately
From this we see that the crystal is more sensitive to given change in C L at lower values of C L .
4. But what determines C L ?
Consider the simple Pierce oscillator consisting of a crystal, an amplifier, and gate and drain capacitors as shown in Figure 2.
There are at least three stray capacitances that must be considered in trying to calculate the load capacitance of the Pierce oscillator circuit.
1. An added capacitance from the input of the amplifier to ground. Sources for this could be the amplifier itself and trace capacitance to ground. As this capacitance is in parallel with C G , we can simply absorb this into our definition of C G . (That is C G is the capacitance of the capacitor to ground plus any additional capacitance to ground on this side of the amplifier.)
2. An added capacitance from the output of the amplifier to ground. Sources for this could be the amplifier itself and trace capacitance to ground. As this capacitance is in parallel with C D , we can simply absorb this into our definition of C D . (That is C D is the capacitance of the capacitor to ground plus any additional capacitance to ground on this side of the amplifier.)
3. A stray capacitance C s shunting the crystal as shown in Figure 2.
Redefining C G and C D as discussed above, it then follows [2] that one of the conditions for oscillation is
is the impedance of the parallel combination of the crystal and the capacitance C s and R o is the output resistance of the amplifier.
It can be shown that the crystal resistance R as a function of load capacitance C L is given approximately by (provided C L is not too small)
where R 1 is the motional resistance of the crystal [1].It then follows that (provided C L – C s is not too small)
With these results, Equation (6) gives the following equation for C L
where R ′ is approximated by Equation (9). Note that the equation for C L is actually a bit more complicated than it might seem at first as R ′ depends upon on C L.It can be seen that C L decreases as R 1 increases, and so by Equation (3), the frequency of operation increases with crystal resistance. So, the load capacitance does have a dependence on the crystal itself. But as we have mentioned previously, the variation in crystal resistance and resulting sensitivity to this variation is usually sufficiently low that the dependence can be ignored. (In this case, a nominal value for crystal resistance is used in calculating C L .)
However, sometimes the resistance effect cannot be ignored. Two crystals tuned so that both have exactly the same frequency at a given load capacitance C L can oscillate at different frequencies in the same oscillator if their resistances differ. This slight difference leads to an increase in the observed system frequency variation above that due to crystal frequency calibration errors and the board-to-board component variation.
Note that in the case of zero crystal resistance (or at least negligible compared to the output resistance Ro of the amplifier), Equation (11) gives
So, in this case, the load capacitance is the stray capacitance shunting the crystal plus the series capacitance of the two capacitances on each side of the crystal to ground.
5. Measuring CL
While in principal one could calculate C L from the circuit design, an easier method is simply to measure C L . This is also more reliable since it does not rely on the oscillator circuit model, takes into account the strays associated the layout (which can be difficult to estimate), and it takes into account the effect of crystal resistance. Here are two methods for measuring C L .
5.1 Method 1
This method requires an impedance analyzer, but does not require knowledge of the crystal parameters and is independent of the crystal model.
1. Get a crystal that is similar to those that will be ordered, i.e. having similar frequency andresistance.
2. Place this crystal in the oscillator and measurethe frequency of operation F L . In placing the crystal into the circuit, be careful not to damage it or do anything to cause undue frequency shifts.(If soldered in place, allow it to cool down to room temperature.) A good technique that avoids soldering is simply to press the crystal onto the board’s solder pads using, for example,the eraser end of a pencil and observe the oscillation frequency. Just be careful that the crystal makes full contact with the board. The system can still oscillate at a somewhat higher frequency without the crystal making full contact with the board.
3. Using an impedance analyzer, measure the reactance X of the crystal at the frequency F L determined in Step 2.
4. Calculate C L using Equation (1) and the measured values for F L ( ω = 2πF L ) and X at F L .
5.2 Method 2
This method is dependent upon the four-parameter crystal model and requires knowledge of these parameters (through your own measurement or as provided by the crystal manufacturer).
1. Get a crystal that is similar to those that will be ordered, i.e. having similar frequency and resistance.
2. Characterize this crystal. In particular measure its series frequency Fs , motional capacitance C1,and static capacitance C0.
3. Place this crystal in the oscillator and measure the frequency of operation F L (as in Method 1,Step 2.)
4. Calculate C L using Equation (3) and the measured values for F L , F s , C 1 , and C 0 .
It is recommended that either procedure be followed with at least 3 crystals. When done properly, this technique often gives values for C L that are consistent to about 0.1 pF. Further confidence in the final results can be found by repeating the procedure for a number of boards to estimate the board-to-board variation of C L .
Note that in the above, F L does not have to be precisely the desired oscillation frequency f. That is, the calculated value for C L is not a strong function of the oscillation frequency since normally only the crystal is strongly frequency dependent. If, for some reason, the oscillator does have strong frequency dependent elements, then using this procedure would be quite difficult.
6. Do I really need to specify a value for CL ?
There are at least three cases where a specification of C L is not necessary:
1. You intend to operate the crystals at their series-resonant frequency.
2. You can tolerate large errors in frequency (on theorder of 0.1% or more).
3. The load capacitance of your circuit is sufficiently near the standard value (see crystal data sheet) that the frequency difference is tolerable. This difference can be calculated with Equation (4).
If your application does not meet one of the three conditions above, you should strongly consider estimating the load capacitance of your oscillator and use this value in specifying your crystals.
What is Tri-State Function?
1. In oscillator with Tri-state function, oscillator output can be controlled by the Tri-state pin as follows:
Logic High : Output Enable
Logic Low :Output Disable
2. The Tri-state function would allow output pin to assume high-impedance state, effectively removing the oscillator output from the circuit.トライステート機能により、出力ピンをハイインピーダンス状態にすることができ、回路から発振器の出力を効果的に取り除くことができます。
3. Oscillator circuits can remain on or be turned off while output is disabled in Tri-State.
Oscillator Operating Mode in Tri-state:Oscillator Circuits Off
•Advantage :Lower standby current
•Drawback :Longer startup time:( Fundamental mode > 0.2mS),( 3rd Overtone mode > 2mS)
•欠点:起動時間が長くなります:(基本モード> 0.2ミリ秒)、(3倍音モード> 2ミリ秒)
Oscillator Operating Mode in Tri-state:Oscillator Circuits On
•Advantage:Shorter output enable time(< 0.1mS)
•Drawback:Higher standby current
Standby Current Comparison between Different Oscillator Operating Mode
Standby Current
Supply Voltage(VDD)
Oscillator off
Oscillator on
•Only PX/PY series have oscillator on/off option when output is disabled.
出力が無効の場合、PX / PYシリーズのみオシレータのオン/オフオプションがあります。
•All other oscillator series have oscillator turned off in Tri-state.
How to Disable Tri-State Function
•If Tri-state function is no needed, the Tri-state pin shall be connected to the Vcc pin or left floating.
There is a internal pull- up resistor which would enable output if Tri-state pin is left floating.
•TAITIEN recommends connecting Tri-State pin to VCC if Tri-state function is not needed.
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