瑞康Rakon Limited【2023-08-12】
Rubyquartz offers customers worldwide the technical expertise of one of the most established and prestigious R&D teams in the frequency components industry.
Products with specifications at the cutting edge of the market demand are designed in the Miami, Fl. headquarters. Manufacturing locations in Florida and China allow the company to satisfy customers’ need to optimize total acquisition cost while sufficient production space is made available for all product families offered. The quality of products offered is one of the key concerns of all Rubyquartz employees and corporate management. -
Connor-Winfield Corporation【2023-08-10】
The Connor-Winfield Corporation is a privately held, US based electronic product manufacturer. After incorporation in 1963, Connor-Winfield focused primarily on designing and manufacturing quartz based timing circuits and oscillators for use in a wide variety of electronics applications. In the 1990's, Connor-Winfield expanded into other product areas while maintaining a continued focus on its core timing roots.
Connor-Winfield's frequency control products are used in a wide variety of applications including telecommunications, LAN and WAN products, computer, and other microprocessor and electronic equipment. We specialize in designing custom and semi-custom frequency control products but also offer a broad line of standard oscillator products and non-crystal based oscillators.
Seiko Instruments Inc.【2023-08-09】
Since its founding in 1881, Seiko has introduced one revolutionary product after another, including the first wrist watch in Japan in 1913 and the first quartz watch in the world in 1969. The consolidated companies now operate in a broad range of fields, from watches to electronic devices, semiconductors, eyewear, clocks and other products. Each one of these individual businesses strives for further leaps forward through its business alliances.
Taitien, a quartz frequency control component manufacturer, (former Tai Tien Electronic Co., Ltd, established in 1976) was established in March 2000. Our main products include X’TAL, OSC, VCXO, TCXO, and is the first manufacturer in Taiwan that provides the technique of OCXO. Our complete product line enables one stop shopping service.
Taitien is based in Taiwan and has manufacturing sites in Taiwan, United States, and China. Operation and sales sites are located in Taiwan, United States, Europe and China. Our customers come from various fields including automotive, consumer electronics, information technology and telecommunications.
Taitien focuses on innovation and invests heavily in research & development. Over these years, the company patented quartz-manufacturing technologies. Today, Taitien is the leader in quartz industry and continues to develop new technologies through extensive research.
泰艺电子为专业石英频率控制组件制造商,成立于 1976 年,主要产品包括「石英振荡子」、「石英振荡器」、「压控温补振荡器」、「温度补偿石英振荡器」,为台湾第一家拥有生产「恒温控制石英振荡器」技术的制造商,客户遍及汽车、消费性电子、信息、通讯与通讯基础等产业,完整的产品线提供客户一次性购足的服务。
MtronPTI晶振今天推出了M2520系列小尺寸差分晶振,M200124TLN-100M0000室外6G基站晶振【2023-07-12】MtronPTI晶振今天推出了M2520系列小尺寸差分晶振,M200124TLN-100M0000室外6G基站晶振。M2520系列振荡器支持小于100fs RMS的抖动,具有非常严格的频率公差,低至+/-20ppm。该振荡器具有2.5 x 2.0mm的小尺寸,支持-40至+85C的宽工作温度范围,并具有高达212.5 MHz的标准和定制输出频率,使其成为空间有限和环境条件具有挑战性的应用的理想选择。M2520系列适用于各种应用,包括光模块、网络、服务器、存储、电信和其他需要低抖动和小尺寸的应用。
Rakon 推出一流的低 g-sensitivity的有源TCXO,RPT7050LG晶振【2023-07-12】
Rakon 推出一流的低 g-sensitivity的有源TCXO,RPT7050LG晶振,Rakon发布了RPT7050LG,这是一款低g-sensitivity的有源晶振TCXO,在7.0 x 5.0 x 1.5 mm封装尺寸下具有出色的稳定性。保证灵敏度≤0.1 ppb/g,是目前市场上最先进的紧凑型低g-sensitivity的TCXO。这款超稳定的TCXO采用Rakon专有的Pluto+2TM ASIC和XMEMS技术构建,在-55至105°C的扩展温度范围内,稳定性为±0.2 ppm。标称频率可从10到52 MHz。
关于 RTC你知道多少 ,ECS-320-18-33-JGN-TR晶振【2023-06-26】
关于 RTC你知道多少 ,ECS-320-18-33-JGN-TR晶振,要了解什么是实时时钟(RTC)以及它是如何工作的,重要的是要从频率开始。当共振表面(例如石英晶体)被机械搅拌(如振荡)时,会产生频率。
如果设计正确,有源晶振可以产生 32.768 kHz 的频率。这个频率是理想的,因为在质量工程的帮助下,它允许精确的、一秒钟长的脉冲。因此,如果设计得当,晶体振荡器可以创建可靠的时钟。当然,这种工程配置在石英表中使用得最为著名。
JAUCH晶振通过ISO 14001:2015认证,Q 19.2-JXS22-8-10/10-WA-LF晶振【2023-06-26】
JAUCH晶振通过ISO 14001:2015认证,Q 19.2-JXS22-8-10/10-WA-LF晶振,JAUCH晶振公司是名副其实的绿色环保企业,对于电池技术和电子元器件等变频控制产品的设计,生产和销售进行的评估和认证,通过了ISO 14001:2015。
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