- [行业新闻]希華晶體高精度型号表2019年03月01日 13:50
希华晶振之TCXO振荡器系列 希华晶振之贴片VCTCXO振荡器系列 系列 照片 尺寸 频率范围 STV-25202.5 x 2.0 x 0.816~52MHzSTV-32253.2 x 2.5 x 0.98~52 MHzVTX835.0 x 3.2 x 1.056~45 MHz希华晶振之VCXO晶振系列 系列 照片 尺寸 频率范围 SCV-32253.2 x 2.5 x 0.91.5~54 MHzVCX955.0 x 3.2 x 1.11.5~61.440 MHzVCX917.0 x 5.0 x 1.61.5~54 MHzVCX927.0 x 5.0 x 1.61.5~54 MHz
SIWARD Crystal Company is well known for its manufacture of crystal frequency components under one Taiwan brand. We know that SIWARD Crystal is one of the world's leading quartz oscillator and crystal oscillator solutions. In order to meet the growing global demand for telecommunications, SIWARD Crystal is also making different changes. Sihua Crystal has been improving its production technology and service quality. Taiwan SIWARD CRYSTAL Co., Ltd. was founded in 1988. It develops, produces and sells quartz crystals, oscillators and filters all over the world. Products used in mobile communications, tablet computers, GPS positioning systems, computer clocks and other products.
- 阅读(285)
- 1时钟振荡器XO57CTECNA12M电信设备专用晶振
- 2汽车音响控制器专用晶振403C35D28M63636
- 3XCO时钟振荡器C04310-32.000-EXT-T-TR支持微控制器应用
- 4ABS07W-32.768KHZ-J-2-T音叉晶体可实现最佳的电路内性能
- 5402F24011CAR非常适合支持各种商业和工业应用
- 6无线模块专用微型ECS-240-8-36-TR晶体
- 7DSX321G晶体谐振器1N226000AA0G汽车电子控制板专用晶振
- 8lora模块低功耗温补晶振ECS-327TXO-33-TR
- 9ECS-250-12-33QZ-ADS-TR适合高冲击和高振动环境的理想选择
- 10ECS-200-20-20BM-TR紧凑型SMD晶体是物联网应用的理想选择