- [行业新闻]精工爱普生晶振公司2018年10月29日 18:18
世界上首家使用商业化石英晶振手表的公司是SUWA SEIKOSHA Co.,Ltd.(现称Seiko Epson Corporation).该公司的工程师经过不断的努力,成功的将石英晶体器件小型化,大大的减少了石英晶振产品设备的尺寸.但这项伟大的事迹也许很多人都知道这个事实,但却很少人知道工程师们在背后的战斗.
音叉晶振也是这样,音叉晶体是1969年从世界上第一块石英表”Quartz Astron”中提取开发出来的.并一直在缩小石英晶振的体积从而导致音叉晶振的尺寸越来越小,价格越来越便宜.结果,石英手表以惊人的速度快速扩张.但随着市场的扩大,进入市场的制造商也不断的增加,参与市场的竞争变得越来越激烈.从1975年到1980年这五年之间,音叉式石英晶体谐振器的单价已经降至五分之一.然而SUWA SEIKOSHA(现称精工爱普生SEIKO EPSON)拥有光刻技术,基于这项技术,所以精工爱普生晶振能够以更紧凑及更低成本的方式快速推出市场.从而让精工爱普生晶振奠定了基础.在20世纪80年代早期,精工爱普生晶振已经发展成为一家全球性公司,领导着音叉晶体振荡器行业.
为什么精工爱普生会没办法被认可是石英晶体设备制造商.尽管他们几乎已经统治了全球的音叉晶体的市场.其实答案很简单,事实上,音叉晶体的市场并不是石英器件的主要竞争领域,主要是AT切割晶体和石英晶体振荡器的市场,他们被用于通信设备.而SUWA SEIKO当时是还没有进入这个市场的.并且在20世纪80年代早期,AT切割晶体单元和晶体振荡的市场需求迅速增长.在那之前AT切割晶体的应用仅限于商业通信设备等.但当数字化浪潮的袭来,使得消费电子设备的需求量倍增,称为个人电脑的全新电子设备市场也在以极快的速度扩张.
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- [行业新闻]爱普生晶振新推出差分输出晶体振荡器2018年08月25日 10:35
Japan Seiko Epson Crystal Co., Ltd. was established in May 1942. So far, it has become a well-known imported crystal brand in the crystal industry. Japan Epson crystal oscillator, KDS large vacuum crystal oscillator,Seiko crystaloscillator, KYOCERA crystal oscillator, NDK crystal oscillator are Japanese large crystal oscillators. Brand suppliers. The market competitiveness is relatively large, and the major imported crystal brand manufacturers are constantly developing and producing new products.
On March 26, 2014, Epson Crystal Corporation introduced the SG7050EBN crystal. This quartz crystal oscillator model is the next generation of differential output crystal (differential signal hands on high frequency clock and data signals for good signal integrity and High noise immunity. For example: high precision, high temperature, low jitter, low power consumption. It can achieve extremely low phase jitter (fluctuations before the clock cycle, which may cause errors during data transmission).
The SG7050EBN crystal has a frequency range of 100 to 175 MHz and can achieve phase jitter of 65 fs. These features are suitable for 1040 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet interconnections used in data centers and central offices. The SG7050EBN crystal oscillator will be used for wired network equipment. , including operators and enterprises, such as high-end routers and switches.
The SG7050EBN uses an oscillator IC designed for low noise and a QMEMS (QMEMS combined with quartz), a piezoelectric crystal material with excellent stability and precision, and a "MEMS" microcomputer system designed with micro-fabrication technology. Combines the advantages of MEMS technology with the basic advantages of quartz materials. It is also a trademark of Seiko Epson Crystal Co., Ltd.) Processed high-frequency fundamental (HFF) AT-cut crystal (HFF crystal unit is etched into an inverted mesa shape by photolithography and High-frequency oscillation crystal chip). Realize 65fs phase jitter. Epson's HFF crystal technology is more reliable than traditional third-harmonic crystal. Epson Crystal's follow-up is also intended to solve network equipment by gradually releasing new products supporting HCSL and LVDS standards. Various differential output formats used in the EPSON crystal oscillator are dedicated to improving the customer's design freedom in a highly compact 5032 (5.0*3.2*1.0mm) package.
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- [行业新闻]爱普生新推可编程晶体振荡器SG-8101CE晶振及SG-9101CG晶振2018年08月20日 09:37
精工爱普生晶振公司将推广备受欢迎的可编程晶体振荡器系列,推出两个新开发的差分晶振系列产品。与同类产品相比,新型SG-8101晶振系列和SG-9101晶振系列具有更宽的工作温度范围和50%的电流消耗,而SG-8101晶振的频率容差更高66%。用户可以使用SG-Writer II* 1编程工具对SG-8101系列和扩频振荡器进行编程,从而降低SG-9101系列中的光谱EMI辐射。量产计划于2016年6月开始。
Seiko Epson Crystal will introduce the popular family of programmable crystal oscillators and introduce two newly developed differential crystal oscillators. Compared to similar products, the new SG-8101 crystal series and the SG-9101 crystal series have a wider operating temperature range and 50% current consumption, while the SG-8101 crystal has a 66% higher frequency tolerance. Users can program the SG-8101 Series and Spread Spectrum Oscillator with the SG-Writer II* 1 programming tool to reduce spectral EMI emissions in the SG-9101 Series. The mass production plan begins in June 2016.
近年来,越来越需要能够在多种环境中使用的多功率及多功能小型电子设备。包括极端户外和工厂安装,对具有出色频率稳定性和耐受各种温度的能力的晶体振荡器的需求已经增加。 。
In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for multi-power and multi-function small electronic devices that can be used in a variety of environments. Including extreme outdoor and factory installations, the demand for crystal oscillators with excellent frequency stability and ability to withstand various temperatures has increased. .
自从1997年推出世界上第一台可编程晶振SG-8000系列以来,爱普生晶振公司为市场提供了小巧,精确的可编程振荡器。爱普生开发了新的SG-8101系列,配备了高效,紧凑和精密技术的仓库。和SG-9101系列结合使用QMEMS * 2,半导体和温度补偿晶体振荡器(TCXO)频率调节技术。
Since the introduction of the world's first programmable crystal oscillator SG-8000 series in 1997, Epson Crystal has provided the market with a compact, accurate programmable oscillator. Epson has developed the new SG-8101 series, equipped with efficient, compact and sophisticated technology warehouses. Combined with the SG-9101 series, QMEMS* 2, semiconductor and temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) frequency adjustment technology.
虽然这两个系列都提供了与早期爱普生产品相当的频率和其他参数的简单可编程性(SG-8101晶振为,SG-9001晶振为SG-9101晶振),它们还具有更宽的工作温度范围,最高限制为105℃。除了2.5 mm x 2.0 mm封装,使电子制造商能够节省电路板空间外,石英晶体振荡器还将提供以下常用封装尺寸:3.2 mm x 2.5 mm,5.0 mm x 3.2 mm和7.0 mm x 5.0毫米。
Although both series offer simple programmability with frequency and other parameters comparable to earlier Epson products (SG-8101 crystal, SG-9001 crystal is SG-9101 crystal), they also have a wider operating temperature range The maximum limit is 105 °C. In addition to the 2.5 mm x 2.0 mm package, electronics manufacturers can save board space, and the oscillators are available in the following common package sizes: 3.2 mm x 2.5 mm, 5.0 mm x 3.2 mm, and 7.0 mm x 5.0 mm.
与同类产品相比,SG-8101系列振荡器的频率容差约为66%,电流消耗降低50%。使用扩频的SG-9101系列振荡器比可比数据消耗的电流低75%。用户可以使用Epson SG-Writer II(另售)将产品编程到所需的输出频率,以及所需的输出频率调制曲线和周期。
Compared with similar products, the SG-8101 series oscillators have a frequency tolerance of approximately 66% and a current consumption reduction of 50%. The spread-spectrum SG-9101 series oscillator consumes 75% less current than comparable data. Users can use the Epson SG-Writer II (sold separately) to program the product to the desired output frequency, as well as the desired output frequency modulation curve and period.
These oscillators can be used in a variety of environmental conditions. They will also significantly improve performance, reduce power requirements, rapid development cycles and small batch production.
* 1 SG-Writer II和可选组件将通过软件更新(免费)支持SG-8002和SG-8003系列中的现有产品以及新SG-8101和SG-9101系列中的产品。
* 2 QMEMS:
QMEMS器件通过微晶加工工艺在晶体材料上而不是像MEMS这样的半导体材料上生产,在紧凑的封装中提供高性能。QMEMS是Seiko Epson Corporation的注册商标。
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- [行业新闻]到底是精工晶体成就了32.768K,还是32.768K成就了SEIKO晶振呢2017年12月20日 10:42
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