更多 +英国IQD晶振|HC49/4HSMX|LFXTAL081958Reel|SMD晶振,英国IQD晶振,HC49/4HSMX无源晶振,SMD晶振,LFXTAL081958Reel晶振,石英晶体谐振器,13.4×4.9mm晶振,49S贴片晶振,二脚封装晶振,频率28.636363MHz,负载30pF,频率容差30ppm,工作温度-40~85°C,行业标准低成本SMD版本,采用电阻焊接,在惰性气体中密封,引线上的玻璃与金属密封,家用电视机顶盒晶振,随身听晶振,数码产品晶振,物联网晶振.
更多 +IQD晶振|4SMX|LFXTAL029659Reel|5032mm晶振,欧美进口晶振,IQD晶振,4SMX无源晶振,陶瓷晶振,LFXTAL029659Reel 晶振,石英晶体谐振器,贴片晶体,5032mm晶振,SMD晶振,二脚封装晶振,频率14.7456MHz,负载30pF,频率容差50ppm,工作温度-10~60°C,高密封晶振,低老化晶振,无铅环保晶振,寻呼机晶振,移动电话晶振,键盘鼠标晶振,家用电器遥控器晶振.
Anderson晶振|AE-232-A-1-4085-2-30-48M0000|6032mm|通信设备晶振,Anderson晶振,欧美进口晶振,AE232无源晶振,SMD晶体, AE-232-A-1-4085-2-30-48M0000晶振,6032mm晶振,石英晶体谐振器,四脚贴片晶振,石英晶振,频率48MHz,负载30pF,频率容差10ppm,紧凑薄晶振,高可靠性晶振,低老化晶振,通信设备晶振,工业设备晶振,传呼机晶振,蜂窝电话晶振.更多 +
12.81119|10MHz|30pF|进口插件晶振|GEYER CRYSTAL
更多 +12.81119|10MHz|30pF|进口插件晶振|GEYER CRYSTAL,欧美晶振,GEYER CRYSTAL,KX-49T石英晶振,进口插件晶振,12.81119晶振,无源晶振,HC-49/U晶振,晶体谐振器,二脚封装晶振,频率10MHz,负载30pF,工作温度-40~85°C,频率容差30ppm,小体积晶振,高稳定性晶振,低老化晶振,专业视频设备晶振,移动电话晶振,无线局域网晶振,家用电视机顶盒晶振.
更多 +12.81110|16MHz|30pF|HC-49/U晶振|格耶晶振,格耶晶振,KX-49T进口晶振,无源晶振,12.81110晶振,二脚插件晶振,HC-49/U晶振,石英晶体谐振器,频率16MHz,负载30pF,工作温度-40~85°C,频率容差30ppm,高可靠性晶振,抗冲击晶振,无铅环保晶振,USB存储设备晶振,网络终端晶振,电子体重秤晶振,血压计晶振.
更多 +12.81078|KX-49T|5.0688MHz|30pF|GEYER晶振,欧美进口晶振,GEYER晶振,KX-49T无源晶振,插件晶振,12.81078晶振,石英晶体谐振器,二脚封装晶振,频率5.06880MHz,负载30pF,工作温度-40~85°C,频率容差50ppm,无铅环保晶振,高品质晶振,低老化晶振,录音笔晶振,DVD家电影音系统晶振,随身听晶振,监控摄像头晶振.
- [行业新闻]ABS07W-32.768KHZ-J-2-T音叉晶体可实现最佳的电路内性能2023年04月25日 08:44
特征:3.0pF的极低电镀负载,是可穿戴设备的理想选择,无线和物联网应用,在延长运行期间同时优化ESR,小体积无源晶振3.2x1.5x0.9mm SMD封装,非常适合空间受限设计,可提供±10 ppm的设定公差,接缝密封包装,具有长期可靠性
应用于:可穿戴设备,无线模块,物联网(IoT),蓝牙/蓝牙低能耗(BLE),机器对机器(M2M)连接,超低功耗MCU,近场通信(NFC),ISM频段应用,超低功耗节能MCU。- 阅读(763)
- [行业新闻]Resonators的各项参数及性能2019年11月05日 14:39
另外,通常将晶体的可拉性表示为修整灵敏度,单位为ppm / pF负载电容变化。 通过ppm / pF给出:
其中C1,C0和CL以pF为单位,并且在图6中以图形方式显示了(C0 + CL)的各种值。
- 阅读(278)
- [行业新闻]Crystal parameters description2019年10月29日 10:37
About Crystal parameters description,Crystal Project Name
AT Cut Crystals
For precise frequency control in radio and line communication systems, quartz crystal resonators have proved indispensable. The material properties of crystalline quartz are such that quartz resonators display stableness and Q factors that cannot be matched by other types of resonator over the frequency range from 1 MHz to 200 MHz.
Equivalent Circuit
Fig-1 shows the conventionally accepted equivalent circuit of a crystal resonator at a frequency near its main mode of vibration. The inductance LI reiperesents the vibrating mass, the series capacitance CL the compliance of the quartz element and the resistance Rl the internal frication of the element, mechanical losses in the mounting system and acoustical losses to the surrounding environment.
The shunt capacitance Co is made up of the static capacitance between the electrodes, togettier with stray capacitances of the mounting system.
There are two zero-phase frequencies associated with this simple circuit, one is at series resonance fs, another at antiresonance fa. When used in an oscillator, crystal units will operate at any frequency within the broken lines of Fig-2 as determined by the phase of the maintaining circuit.
By changing of this reactive condition, the crystal frequency may be trimmed in a limited extent. The degree to which this frequency may be varied (frequency pulling) is inversely proportional to the capacitance ratio r(C〇 /Ci).
Load Capacitance
Many practical oscillator circuits make use of a load capacitor CL in series or parallel with the crystal, either in order to provide a means for final frequency adjustment, or perhaps for modulation or temperature compensation purposes. For the crystal load capacitance. We looking into the circuit through the two crystal terminals, the load capacitance need to specified when the crystal is paralleled mode, crystal load capacitance is calculated as below:
Frequency Pulling
In many applications a variable capacitor (trimmer) is used as the load reactive element to adjust the frequency. The fractional frequency range available between specified values of this load reactive element is called the pulling range (PR.) and it can be calculated by using the following formula:
A useful parameter to the design engineer is the pulling sensitivity (S) at a specified value of load capacitance. It is defined as the incremental fractional frequency change for an incremental change in load capacitance. It is normally expressed in ppm/pF (10-6/pF) and can be calculated from the formula:
It is very important to define the mean load capacitance to enable the actual crystal frequency be set within the tolerances of the specified nominal frequency. It is also important to use, wherever possible, standard values of load capacitance; for example:20pF, 30pF.
Fig-3 shows the relationship between LO.; P.R. and S.
Frequency Pulling Calculation
An approximation to the pulling for any crystal can be calculated from this simple formula:
The equivalent circuit of the crystal has one other important parameter: This is Ri, the motional resistance. This parameter controls the Q of the crystal unit and will define the level of oscillation in any maintaining circuit. The load resonance for a given crystal unit depends upon the load capacitance with which that unit is intended to operate. The frequency of oscillation is the same in either series or parallel connection of the load capacitance.
If the external capacitance is designated the load resonance resistance may be calculated as follows:
The equivalent shunt or parallel resistance at load resonance frequency is approximately:
It should be remembered that Ri does not change thus the effective parameters of any user network can be readily calculated.
Frequency Temperature Characteristics
The AT-cut crystal has a frequency temperature characteristic which may be described by a cubic function of temperature. This characteristic can be precisely controlled by small variations in the exact angle at which the crystal blank is cut from the original quartz bar. Fig,4 illustrates some typical cases. This cubic behaviour is in contrast to most other crystal cuts, which have parabolic temperature characteristics.
As a consequence, the AT-cut is generally the best choice when specifying a unit to operate over a wide temperature range, and is available in a range of frequencies from 1 to 200 MHz.
- 阅读(235)
- [行业新闻]泰艺厂家为你介绍几个晶振知识2018年05月04日 11:59
Cstray电路中的寄生电容,通常2-5pF,Ci和公司外部电容器在振荡器电路.CL电路中必须尽可能接近16 pf达到指定的输出频率.如果指定的振荡频率高于,电容器的值应该增加到更低的频率.另一方面,如果频率低于指定,电容值需要提高输出频率降低.当CL = 16 pf,C1和公司将大约22-30pF,加上额外的寄生电容.C1和的值用于电路有限公司将会有很大的影响CL输出频率的影响.
- 阅读(263)
- 1时钟振荡器XO57CTECNA12M电信设备专用晶振
- 2汽车音响控制器专用晶振403C35D28M63636
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- 5402F24011CAR非常适合支持各种商业和工业应用
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