- [行业新闻]村田新产品MEMS谐振器应用指南2019年04月20日 09:04
ace="宋体"> 首先,大家肯定是会对日本村田陶瓷晶振制作所研发出的产品有些疑问,什么是MEMSace="宋体">呢?其实ace="Arial">MEMSace="宋体">指的是微机电系统(ace="Arial">Micro Mlectro Mechanical Systems),ace="宋体">这种装置运用了半导体生产工艺技术,具有三维微细结构。除了面对ace="Arial">MEMSace="宋体">谐振器还有一种是振荡器,ace="Arial">MEMSace="宋体">振荡器跟其它普通石英晶体振荡器是一样的,将振荡用电路也谐振器融为一体的装置。可用科尔皮兹振荡电路之类的普通振荡电路驱动。
- 阅读(224)
- [技术支持]What is frequency at load capacitance?2019年04月16日 10:07
1. Introduction
When ordering crystals for oscillators that are to operate at a frequency f, e.g. 32.768 kHz or 20 MHz, it is usually not sufficient to specify the frequency of operation alone. While the crystals will oscillate at a frequency near their series resonant frequency, the actual frequency of oscillation is usually slightly different from this frequency (being slightly higher in “parallel resonant circuits”).1
So, suppose you have a crystal oscillator circuit and you want to purchase crystals such that when placed in this circuit the oscillation frequency is f. What do you need to tell the crystal manufacturer to accomplish this? Do you need to send a schematic of the oscillator design with all the associated details of its design, e.g. choice of capacitors, resistors, active elements, and strays associated with the layout? Fortunately, the answer is no. In addition to the frequency f, all that is needed is a single number, the load capacitance CL .
2. What is CL ?
Suppose your crystal oscillator operates at the desired frequency f. At that frequency, the crystal has complex impedance Z, and for the purposes of frequency of operation, this is the only property of the crystal that matters. Therefore, to make your oscillator operate at the frequency f, you need crystals that have impedance Z at the frequency f. So, at worst, all you need to specify is a single complex number Z = R+jX. In fact, it is even simpler than this.
While in principal one should specify the crystal resistance R at the frequency f, usually the crystal-to- crystal variation in R and the oscillator’s sensitivity to this variation are sufficiently low that a specification of R is not necessary. This is not to say that the crystal resistance has no effect; it does. We shall discuss this further in Section 4.
So, that leaves a single value to specify: The crystal reactance X at f. So, one could specify a crystal having a reactance of 400 ? at 20 MHz. Instead,however, this is normally done by specifying a capacitance C L and equating.
where we have set ω = 2πf. Physically, at this frequency, the impedance of the series combination of the crystal and a capacitance C L has zero phase (equivalently, has zero reactance or is purely resistive). See Figure 1. To see this, consider
where the second step follows by Equation (1) and the fact that the reactance of a capacitance C is -1/( ωC).
Figure 1—This series combination has zero-phase impedance at a frequency where the crystal has load capacitance CL
So, the task of assuring proper oscillation frequency is the task of providing components (crystals in this case) that, at the specified frequency, have the required reactance, which is stated in terms of a capacitance CL by Equation (1).2 For example, instead of specifying crystals having a reactance of 400 ? at 20 MHz, we specify crystals having a load capacitance of 20 pF at 20 MHz, or more normally, we specify that the crystal frequency be 20 MHz at a load capacitance of 20 pF.
In “parallel resonant circuits,” CL is positive, typically being between 5 pF and 40 pF. In this case the crystal operates in that narrow frequency band between the crystal’s series and parallel resonant frequencies (F s and F p , respectively).
While a truly “series resonant circuit” does not have a load capacitance associated with it [or perhaps an infinite value by Equation (1)], most “series resonant circuits” actually operate slightly off of the series resonant frequency and therefore do have a finite load capacitance (that can be positive or negative).However, if this offset is small and specifying a load capacitance is not desired, it can either be ignored or handled by a slight offset in the specified frequency f.
As we shall see in Section 4, both the oscillator and the crystal determine C L . However, the crystal’s role is rather weak in that in the limit of zero resistance,the crystal plays no role at all in determining C L . In this limiting case, it makes sense to refer to C L as the oscillator load capacitance as it is determined entirely by the oscillator. However, when it comes time to order crystals, one specifies crystals having frequency f at a load capacitance C L , i.e. it is a condition on the crystal’s frequency. Because of this,it would be reasonable to refer to C L as the crystal load capacitance. For the sake of argument, we simply avoid the issue and use the term loadcapacitance.
注释:1> When ordering crystals for series resonant operation,instead of specifying a value for C L , be sure to state that the frequency f refers to the series-resonant frequency, F s .
2> This is not to say that all aspects of frequency determination are tied to this single number. For example,other aspects of the crystal and oscillator determine whether the correct mode of oscillation is selected and the system’s frequency stability (short and long term).
3. Defining F L at C L
We now take Equation (1) as our defining relation for what we mean by a crystal having a given frequency at a given load capacitance.
Definition: A crystal has frequency F L at a load capacitance C L when the reactance X of the crystal at frequency F L is given by Equation (1), where now ω = 2πF L .
Recall that, around a given mode, the reactance of a crystal increases from negative values, through zero at series resonance, to large positive values near parallel resonance where it rapidly decreases to large negative values, and then again it increases towards zero. (See Reference [1].) By excluding a region around parallel resonance, we have a single frequency for each value of reactance. In this way,we can associate a frequency F L given a value of C L .So, positive values of C L correspond to a frequency between series and parallel resonance. Large negative values of C L , correspond to a frequency below series resonance while smaller negative values correspond to frequencies above parallel resonance.(See Equation (3) below.)
3.1. The crystal frequency equation So, how much does the frequency of oscillation depend on the load capacitance C L ? We can answer this question by determining how the crystal frequency F L depends on the crystal load capacitance CL . One can show that to a very good approximation that
where C 1 and C 0 are the motional and static capacitances of the crystal, respectively. (See Reference [1] for a derivation and discussion of this relation.) For the purposes of this note, we shall refer to Equation (3) as the crystal frequency equation.
This shows the dependence of a crystal oscillator’s operational frequency on its load capacitance and its dependence on the crystal itself. In particular, the fractional frequency change when changing the load capacitance from C L1 to C L2 is given to good approximation by
3.2. Trim sensitivity
Equation (3) gives the dependence of operating frequency F L on the load capacitance C L . The negative fractional rate of change of the frequency with C L is known as the trim sensitivity, TS. Using Equation (3), this is approximately
From this we see that the crystal is more sensitive to given change in C L at lower values of C L .
4. But what determines C L ?
Consider the simple Pierce oscillator consisting of a crystal, an amplifier, and gate and drain capacitors as shown in Figure 2.
There are at least three stray capacitances that must be considered in trying to calculate the load capacitance of the Pierce oscillator circuit.
1. An added capacitance from the input of the amplifier to ground. Sources for this could be the amplifier itself and trace capacitance to ground. As this capacitance is in parallel with C G , we can simply absorb this into our definition of C G . (That is C G is the capacitance of the capacitor to ground plus any additional capacitance to ground on this side of the amplifier.)
2. An added capacitance from the output of the amplifier to ground. Sources for this could be the amplifier itself and trace capacitance to ground. As this capacitance is in parallel with C D , we can simply absorb this into our definition of C D . (That is C D is the capacitance of the capacitor to ground plus any additional capacitance to ground on this side of the amplifier.)
3. A stray capacitance C s shunting the crystal as shown in Figure 2.
Redefining C G and C D as discussed above, it then follows [2] that one of the conditions for oscillation is
is the impedance of the parallel combination of the crystal and the capacitance C s and R o is the output resistance of the amplifier.
It can be shown that the crystal resistance R as a function of load capacitance C L is given approximately by (provided C L is not too small)
where R 1 is the motional resistance of the crystal [1].It then follows that (provided C L – C s is not too small)
With these results, Equation (6) gives the following equation for C L
where R ′ is approximated by Equation (9). Note that the equation for C L is actually a bit more complicated than it might seem at first as R ′ depends upon on C L.It can be seen that C L decreases as R 1 increases, and so by Equation (3), the frequency of operation increases with crystal resistance. So, the load capacitance does have a dependence on the crystal itself. But as we have mentioned previously, the variation in crystal resistance and resulting sensitivity to this variation is usually sufficiently low that the dependence can be ignored. (In this case, a nominal value for crystal resistance is used in calculating C L .)
However, sometimes the resistance effect cannot be ignored. Two crystals tuned so that both have exactly the same frequency at a given load capacitance C L can oscillate at different frequencies in the same oscillator if their resistances differ. This slight difference leads to an increase in the observed system frequency variation above that due to crystal frequency calibration errors and the board-to-board component variation.
Note that in the case of zero crystal resistance (or at least negligible compared to the output resistance Ro of the amplifier), Equation (11) gives
So, in this case, the load capacitance is the stray capacitance shunting the crystal plus the series capacitance of the two capacitances on each side of the crystal to ground.
5. Measuring CL
While in principal one could calculate C L from the circuit design, an easier method is simply to measure C L . This is also more reliable since it does not rely on the oscillator circuit model, takes into account the strays associated the layout (which can be difficult to estimate), and it takes into account the effect of crystal resistance. Here are two methods for measuring C L .
5.1 Method 1
This method requires an impedance analyzer, but does not require knowledge of the crystal parameters and is independent of the crystal model.
1. Get a crystal that is similar to those that will be ordered, i.e. having similar frequency andresistance.
2. Place this crystal in the oscillator and measurethe frequency of operation F L . In placing the crystal into the circuit, be careful not to damage it or do anything to cause undue frequency shifts.(If soldered in place, allow it to cool down to room temperature.) A good technique that avoids soldering is simply to press the crystal onto the board’s solder pads using, for example,the eraser end of a pencil and observe the oscillation frequency. Just be careful that the crystal makes full contact with the board. The system can still oscillate at a somewhat higher frequency without the crystal making full contact with the board.
3. Using an impedance analyzer, measure the reactance X of the crystal at the frequency F L determined in Step 2.
4. Calculate C L using Equation (1) and the measured values for F L ( ω = 2πF L ) and X at F L .
5.2 Method 2
This method is dependent upon the four-parameter crystal model and requires knowledge of these parameters (through your own measurement or as provided by the crystal manufacturer).
1. Get a crystal that is similar to those that will be ordered, i.e. having similar frequency and resistance.
2. Characterize this crystal. In particular measure its series frequency Fs , motional capacitance C1,and static capacitance C0.
3. Place this crystal in the oscillator and measure the frequency of operation F L (as in Method 1,Step 2.)
4. Calculate C L using Equation (3) and the measured values for F L , F s , C 1 , and C 0 .
It is recommended that either procedure be followed with at least 3 crystals. When done properly, this technique often gives values for C L that are consistent to about 0.1 pF. Further confidence in the final results can be found by repeating the procedure for a number of boards to estimate the board-to-board variation of C L .
Note that in the above, F L does not have to be precisely the desired oscillation frequency f. That is, the calculated value for C L is not a strong function of the oscillation frequency since normally only the crystal is strongly frequency dependent. If, for some reason, the oscillator does have strong frequency dependent elements, then using this procedure would be quite difficult.
6. Do I really need to specify a value for CL ?
There are at least three cases where a specification of C L is not necessary:
1. You intend to operate the crystals at their series-resonant frequency.
2. You can tolerate large errors in frequency (on theorder of 0.1% or more).
3. The load capacitance of your circuit is sufficiently near the standard value (see crystal data sheet) that the frequency difference is tolerable. This difference can be calculated with Equation (4).
If your application does not meet one of the three conditions above, you should strongly consider estimating the load capacitance of your oscillator and use this value in specifying your crystals.
- 阅读(210)
- [技术支持]什么是三态函数2019年04月01日 14:24
What is Tri-State Function?
1. In oscillator with Tri-state function, oscillator output can be controlled by the Tri-state pin as follows:
Logic High : Output Enable
Logic Low :Output Disable
2. The Tri-state function would allow output pin to assume high-impedance state, effectively removing the oscillator output from the circuit.トライステート機能により、出力ピンをハイインピーダンス状態にすることができ、回路から発振器の出力を効果的に取り除くことができます。
3. Oscillator circuits can remain on or be turned off while output is disabled in Tri-State.
Oscillator Operating Mode in Tri-state:Oscillator Circuits Off
•Advantage :Lower standby current
•Drawback :Longer startup time:( Fundamental mode > 0.2mS),( 3rd Overtone mode > 2mS)
•欠点:起動時間が長くなります:(基本モード> 0.2ミリ秒)、(3倍音モード> 2ミリ秒)
Oscillator Operating Mode in Tri-state:Oscillator Circuits On
•Advantage:Shorter output enable time(< 0.1mS)
•Drawback:Higher standby current
Standby Current Comparison between Different Oscillator Operating Mode
acing="0" style="width: 439px; margin-left: 18px; border: none;">
Standby Current
Supply Voltage(VDD)
Oscillator off
Oscillator on
•Only PX/PY series have oscillator on/off option when output is disabled.
出力が無効の場合、PX / PYシリーズのみオシレータのオン/オフオプションがあります。
•All other oscillator series have oscillator turned off in Tri-state.
How to Disable Tri-State Function
•If Tri-state function is no needed, the Tri-state pin shall be connected to the Vcc pin or left floating.
There is a internal pull- up resistor which would enable output if Tri-state pin is left floating.
•TAITIEN recommends connecting Tri-State pin to VCC if Tri-state function is not needed.
- 阅读(444)
- [行业新闻]FOX crystal型号表2019年03月12日 09:34
FOX CRYSTAL晶振公司成立于1979年,美国福克斯晶振电子有限公司总部位于美国的佛罗里达州的迈尔斯堡。福克斯电子公司的成立使得该公司成为美国领先的高精度,高可靠性的频率元器件制造供应商。按当时的情况来看,FOX晶振公司还是处于一个小型的家族式石英晶体和振荡器的供应商。
FOX CRYSTAL Crystal Company was founded in 1979, and Fox Crystal Electronics Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Fort Myers, Florida, USA. The establishment of Fox Electronics has made the company a leading supplier of high-precision, high-reliability frequency components in the United States. According to the situation at the time, FOX Crystal is still a supplier of small family quartz crystals and oscillators.
The US FOX Crystal Company has continued to grow over the past 32 years, and one of the important factors is inseparable from its R&D department. Engineers at Fox Crystal have developed hundreds of products that bring new standards of acceptance for the performance, accuracy and reliability of crystals and oscillators. And can continue to grow business needs, shortening the cycle of delivering crystals.
- 阅读(277)
- [公司新闻]HOSONIC CRYSTAL选型数据表2019年03月11日 09:05
关于HOSONIC鸿星晶振公司可能挺多人也知道,HOSONIC CRYSTAL鸿星晶振股份有限公司成立于1979年在台湾设立登记成立公司,登记的资本为新台币200万元。公司成立之后便于台湾投入石英晶体研发制造.1994年新增资本3400万元,开始大力研发生产石英晶体振荡器,石英晶振,贴片晶振,压控振荡器的研发生产。
About HOSONIC CRYSTAL Company may know that HOSONIC CRYSTAL was established in 1979 to establish a registered company in Taiwan with a registered capital of NT$2 million. After the establishment of the company, it is convenient for Taiwan to invest in the research and development of quartz crystal. In 1994, the company added 34 million yuan of capital, and began to vigorously research and develop the production and production of quartz crystal oscillator, quartz crystal oscillator, patch crystal oscillator and voltage controlled oscillator.
- 阅读(358)
- [行业新闻]NSK Ceramic Resonator2019年03月07日 10:27
台湾NSK晶振公司不仅生产石英晶振,石英晶体谐振器,晶体振荡器,温补晶振,压控晶体,还生产陶瓷谐振器(Ceramic Resonator),陶瓷滤波器(Ceramic Filter),ZTA陶瓷晶振,ZTT陶瓷晶振,3.58M,6M,4M,8M,16M,24M,27M频率均有现货供应.ZTA晶振可从低频1M到50MHZ,主要应用于电视遥控器,风扇遥控器,USB,鼠标等产品.
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acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRA ZTA/ MG, MT, MX DIP 1.8 MHz to 50.0 MHz 10.0*5.0*10.0 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRE ZTTCV MT, MX SMD 8.0 to 50 MHz 3.7*3.1*1.2 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRE ZTTCS MT, MX SMD 7.0 to 50 MHz 4.7*4.1*1.6 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRE ZTTCC MG SMD 2 to 6.99 MHz 7.4*3.4*1.8 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRD ZTACV MT, MX SMD 8.0 to 50 MHz 3.7*3.1*1.2 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRD ZTACS MT, MX SMD 7.0 to 50 MHz 4.7*4.1*1.6 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRD ZTACC MG SMD 2.0 to 6.99 MHz 7.4*3.4*1.8 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRT ZTT/ MG, MT, MX DIP 1.8 MHz to 50 MHz 10.0*5.0*10.0 NSK Ceramic Filter
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acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRF LT4.5MB DIP 4.43MHz to 6.5MHz 5*3.2 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRF LTCA/CV SMD 10.7MHz 6.9*2.9*1.5 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRF JT4.5MD DIP 4.5MHz to 6.5MHz 9.0*5.0*10.0 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRF JT4.5MC DIP 4.5MHz to 6.5MHz 9.0*5.0*10.0 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-family: " microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NRF JT10.7M SMD 10.7MHz 9.0*5.0*7.0 Taiwan NSK Crystal Co., Ltd. not only produces quartz crystal oscillator, quartz crystal resonator, crystal oscillator, temperature-compensated crystal oscillator, voltage-controlled crystal, but also ceramic resonator (Ceramic Resonator), ceramic filter (Ceramic Filter), ZTA ceramic crystal, ZTT ceramic. Crystal oscillator, 3.58M, 6M, 4M, 8M, 16M, 24M, 27M frequency are available from stock. ZTA crystal oscillator can be used from low frequency 1M to 50MHZ, mainly used in TV remote control, fan remote control, USB, mouse and other products.
- 阅读(183)
- [行业新闻]NSK OSCILLATOR数据表2019年03月06日 10:04
- 台湾NSK津绽晶振公司成立于1996年的9月份。成立之后的NSK晶振公司将全部精力投入到石英晶体振荡器,陶瓷滤波器,石英晶体,TCXO振荡器,差分晶振等产品的生产中。NADD 75晶振属于石英晶体振荡器中的一种,也是振荡器里的“贵族”。是差分晶体系列的一员。LVDS输出范围,频率也可以从77.76MHZ到622.08MHZ的高频中。大气化的尺寸7*5*1.9mm可放在任意高端产品中,NADD 75晶振在任何电路板中都显得格外的高端。
acing="0" cellpadding="0" class="ke-zeroborder" microsoft="" yahei";"="">
acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAOD 75 CMOS 1.0 to 125.0 MHz 7*5*1.6 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAOH 53 CMOS 1.0 to 125.0 MHz 5*3.2*1.3 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAOK 32 CMOS 2.0 to 54.0 MHz 3.2*2.5*1.2 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAOL 22 CMOS 2.0 to 50 MHz 2*2.5*0.95 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
LVDS 77.76 MHz ~ 622.08 MHz 7*5*1.9 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
LVPECL 75 MHz ~ 622.08 MHz 7*5*1.9 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAVD-6 CMOS 1.0 MHz to 52.0 MHz 7*5*1.8 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAVH-6 CMOS 12MHz ~ 35.328MHz 5*3.2*1.5 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAOD 75 CMOS 32.768 KHz 7*5*1.6 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAOH 53 CMOS 32.768 KHz 5*3.2*1.5 acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
NAOK 32 CMOS 32.768 KHz 3.2*2.5*1.2 ace="Microsoft YaHei">
acing="0" microsoft="" yahei";"="" class="ke-zeroborder" style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; font-size: inherit;">
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; font-size: inherit;">
CMOS 2.0 to 50 MHz 2.05*1.65*0.75 - 阅读(146)
- [行业新闻]TXC温补振荡器及VCXO振荡器系列选型手册2019年03月04日 14:38
acing="0" style="font-size: 12px; width: 729px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
acing:="" -1.5px;"="">TXC压控振荡器VCXO系列 - 差分晶振
Model Frequency Stability
(-40~85ºC)Voltage Output Oscillation Dimensions BJ 60 ~ 200MHz ±50ppm 3.3V LVPECL Fundamental 7 x 5 x 1.3mm BK 60 ~ 700MHz ±50ppm 3.3V LVPECL PLL 7 x 5 x 1.3mm BN 60 ~ 200MHz ±50ppm 3.3V LVDS Fundamental 7 x 5 x 1.3mm BP 60 ~ 700MHz ±50ppm 3.3V LVDS PLL 7 x 5 x 1.3mm CJ 60 ~ 200MHz ±50ppm 3.3V LVPECL Fundamental 5 x 3.2 x 1.2mm CN 50 ~ 200MHz ±50ppm 3.3V LVDS Fundamental 5 x 3.2 x 1.2mm acing="0" style="font-size: 12px; width: 729px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
acing:="" -1.5px;"="">TXC温补振荡器TCXO系列 - Basic
什么是温补晶振。来自温度传感器的输出信号用于通过补偿网络产生校正电压。 校正电压施加到VCXO中的变容二极管。 电容变化可以补偿晶体的频率与温度特性.
Model Frequency Stability
(-30~85ºC)Operating Temp Voltage Output Dimensions 7Q 13 ~ 52MHz ±2ppm -40~+85ºC 2.4V-3.3V Clipped
Sinewave3.2 x 2.5 x 1mm 7L 13 ~ 52MHz ±2ppm -40~+85ºC 1.8V-3.3V Clipped
Sinewave2.5 x 2 x 0.8mm 7Z 26 ~ 52MHz ±2ppm -40~+85ºC 1.8V-3.3V Clipped
Sinewave2.0 x 1.6 x 0.8mm 8P 26 ~ 52MHz ±2ppm -40~+85ºC 1.8V-3.3V Clipped
Sinewave1.6 x 1.2 x 0.6mm acing="0" style="font-size: 12px; width: 729px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
TXC温补振荡器TCXO系列 - 高精度振荡器 Model Frequency Stability
(-40~85ºC)Voltage Output Dimensions 7N 10 ~ 52MHz ±0.28ppm 2.7V-5.5V Clipped
/CMOS7 x 5 x 2mm 7P 10 ~ 52MHz ±0.28ppm 2.7V-5.5V Clipped
/CMOS5 x 3.2 x 1.2mm acing="0" style="font-size: 12px; width: 729px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">TXC恒温晶体振荡器OCXO系列 - CMOS ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif" style="font-size:14px">Model ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif" style="font-size:14px">Frequency ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif" style="font-size:14px">Stability ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif" style="font-size:14px">Voltage ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif" style="font-size:14px">Output ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif" style="font-size:14px">Dimensions ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif"> ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">OC ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">10 ~ 25MHz ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">±5ppb
(0~70ºC)ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">5, 12V ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">CMOS ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">36 x 27mm ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif"> ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">OB ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">10 ~ 25MHz ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">±10ppb
(0~75ºC)ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">3.3, 5V ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">CMOS ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">25 x 25mm ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif"> ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">OA ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">10 ~ 40MHz ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">±200ppb
(-30~70ºC)ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">3.3, 5V ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">CMOS ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif">ace="arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif" style="font-size:12px">20 x 20mm - 阅读(239)
- [行业新闻]希華晶體高精度型号表2019年03月01日 13:50
acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; word-spacing: 1px;">
希华晶振之TCXO振荡器系列 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; word-spacing: 1px;">
希华晶振之贴片VCTCXO振荡器系列 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; word-spacing: 1px;">
acing="0" bordercolor="#CCCCCC">
系列 照片 尺寸 频率范围 STV-25202.5 x 2.0 x 0.816~52MHzSTV-32253.2 x 2.5 x 0.98~52 MHzVTX835.0 x 3.2 x 1.056~45 MHzacing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; word-spacing: 1px;">
希华晶振之VCXO晶振系列 acing="0" class="ke-zeroborder" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; word-spacing: 1px;">
acing="0" bordercolor="#CCCCCC">
系列 照片 尺寸 频率范围 SCV-32253.2 x 2.5 x 0.91.5~54 MHzVCX955.0 x 3.2 x 1.11.5~61.440 MHzVCX917.0 x 5.0 x 1.61.5~54 MHzVCX927.0 x 5.0 x 1.61.5~54 MHz
SIWARD Crystal Company is well known for its manufacture of crystal frequency components under one Taiwan brand. We know that SIWARD Crystal is one of the world's leading quartz oscillator and crystal oscillator solutions. In order to meet the growing global demand for telecommunications, SIWARD Crystal is also making different changes. Sihua Crystal has been improving its production technology and service quality. Taiwan SIWARD CRYSTAL Co., Ltd. was founded in 1988. It develops, produces and sells quartz crystals, oscillators and filters all over the world. Products used in mobile communications, tablet computers, GPS positioning systems, computer clocks and other products.
- 阅读(275)
- [行业新闻]ECS晶振型号表2019年02月16日 15:42
- 阅读(373)
- [行业新闻]中国人正确过2月14日的方式2019年02月14日 09:43
1912年2月14日 孙中山辞去临时大总统一职
♦ 1935年2月14日 蒋介石在庐山答日本《朝日新闻》记者
♦ 1949年2月14日 李宗仁派和平使团与中共谈判
♦ 1949年2月14日 美国谋求台湾独立失败
♦ 1950年2月14日 《中苏友好同盟互助条约》在莫斯科签订
♦ 1958年2月14日 周恩来出访朝鲜,中国政府决定撤军。
♦ 1963年2月14日 中央美术展览馆建成
55年前,1963年2月14日,中央美术展览馆(中国美术馆)由毛泽东主席题写“中国美术馆”馆额并正式开放,是新中国成立以后的国家文化标志性建筑。主体大楼为仿古阁楼式,黄色琉璃瓦大屋顶,四周廊榭围绕,具有鲜明的民族建筑风格。主楼建筑面积18000多平方米 ,一至五层楼共有17个展览厅,展览总面积8300平方米;1995年新建现代化藏品库,面积4100平方米。
♦ 1972年2月14日 我国与墨西哥建立外交关系
♦ 1981年2月14日 邓小平为英国培格曼出版公司编辑出版的《邓小平副主席文集》作序
♦ 1983年2月14日 中共中央发出《关于加强党员教育工作的通知》
♦ 1986年2月14日 国家自然科学基金委员会成立。
♦ 公元270年2月14日 为纪念瓦伦丁为爱牺牲,2月14日被定为情人节
♦ 1076年2月14日 罗马皇帝亨利四世被教皇驱逐出天主教,政教冲突爆发
942年前,1076年2月14日,神圣罗马皇帝亨利四世(Heinrich IV)被罗马教皇格列高利七世。按照天主教廷规定,被处罚者如不能在一年之内获得教皇的宽恕,他的臣民都要对他的解除效忠宣誓。德意志大部分诸侯表示,如果亨利四世不能在一年之内恢复教籍,他们就不再承认他的合法性。亨利四世没有足够的兵力来制服反叛的诸侯,他不得不向格列高利七世低头。
♦ 1859年2月14日 美国合并俄勒冈州
♦ 1876年2月14日 贝尔向美国专利局递交了电话发明专利申请书
♦ 1879年2月14日 智利同玻利维亚、秘鲁两国爆发南美太平洋战争
♦ 1946年2月14日 世界上第一台计算机诞生
♦ 1956年2月14日 苏共二十大上赫鲁晓夫作反斯大林的秘密报告
♦ 1958年2月14日 约旦--伊拉克成立阿拉伯联邦
♦ 1967年2月14日 拉美21国签署《拉丁美洲禁止核武器条约》
♦ 1983年2月14日 印度发生阿萨姆邦屠杀事件
♦ 1989年2月14日 霍梅尼宣布判处英国作家拉什迪死刑
29年前, 英国作家萨曼·拉什迪因出版一本名为《撒旦诗篇》的小说,遭到了穆斯林世界的强烈反对。1989年2月14日,伊朗宗教领袖霍梅尼宣布判处拉什迪死刑,并悬赏数百万美元追杀他。由此引起了一场国际风波。
♦ 1992年2月14日 联合国宣布1991年世界经济出现战后首次负增长
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- [公司新闻]用于电信定时和同步的时钟振荡器2019年01月17日 10:50
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- [行业新闻]香港NKG CRYSTAL公司简介概述2019年01月12日 16:52
- 随着业务的强劲增长,NKG CRYSTAL于1989年收购了位于中国周山岛的现有工厂,鼓励他参与石英晶体产品的生产.该工厂生产几种传统封装的金属罐石英晶体单元,称为HC-49/U,HC-49/S和UM型案件.凭借自身的产品来源,NKG可以迅速获得更多的市场份额,并成为有名的石英晶振单位制造商.
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- [技术支持]低相位噪声低成本定时解决方案2019年01月07日 09:47
- 阅读(99)
- [常见问题]什么是晶振的具体参数2018年09月10日 15:27
Every day, I receive a lot of enquiries from crystal customers, some are factory procurement, some are traders, some are EMS foundry buyers, etc. Every day, there are hundreds of consulting quartz crystal parameters and get orders. Many customers often "One question, three don't know", what is one question, three, I don't know, it is the parameters, size, and packaging that we often say in the quartz crystal sales staff. Not every customer who consults can know clearly what crystals are. Parameters. This is also related to professionalism. After all, we are specialized in crystal oscillators. It is an unknown field for purchasers who are just in contact with crystal oscillators. Like me, I have been engaged in the sales of quartz crystal oscillators for more than three years, although I am a person in the electronics industry, but I don’t know about other electronic products. I don’t know what capacitors and diodes are. So far, I don’t know how long they are. Although the customer’s board will be there. These products appear, but I can't recognize them. I can only recognize the crystal oscillator from the board, and then estimate the approximate size to see which brand. Our company is engaged in crystal oscillators. More than 18 years, we remain firmly committed to the cause of the crystal industry in this area and now tell you about
. 首先就是我们经常有问到的,标准频率以及频率偏差也称之为精度.(Nominal Frequency and Tolerance)
The first is what we often ask. Standard frequency and frequency deviation are also called accuracy. (Nominal Frequency and Tolerance)
在正确的振荡线路匹配下,从振荡线路输出的频率称之为”公称频率”.石英晶体谐振器的频率通常都是以兆赫兹(MHZ)或者千赫兹(KHZ)来表示.而频率偏差则是在实际批量生产及振荡线路应用上,产品在室内环境25度中都会有一些相对于中心频率的频率误差.这一类的频率容许误差的最大散布值,一般是有ppm(parts per million)或者%(percent)来表示.
Under the correct oscillating line matching, the frequency output from the oscillating line is called the “nominal frequency.” The frequency of the quartz crystal resonator is usually expressed in megahertz (MHZ) or kilohertz (KHZ). The frequency deviation is In actual mass production and oscillating line applications, the product will have some frequency error relative to the center frequency in the indoor environment of 25 degrees. The maximum dispersion value of this type of frequency tolerance is generally ppm (parts per million). Or %(percent) to indicate.
其次就是石英晶振的基本波振荡和倍频振荡模态简称”泛音振动”. (Fundamental and Overtone Vibrations Mode)
The second is the fundamental wave oscillation of the quartz crystal oscillator and the frequency doubling oscillation mode referred to as "overtone vibration". (Fundamental and Overtone Vibrations Mode)
The AT-cut quartz crystal oscillator mainly exists in the thickness shear oscillation mode, and the high-order harmonic vibration wave coexists with the basic vibration between the electrode regions. Since the polarities of the two electrodes are opposite, only the piezoelectric quartz crystal resonator can be excited. Odd harmonic vibration.
再然后就是相当主要的负载电容了(Load capacitance),负载电容CL是振荡器通过谐振器两端观察电路时所呈现出的电容量,负载电容形式上与谐振器串联或者并联,对于并联负载情况,CL的存在将影响并联谐振频率,而并联负载谐振频率FL由下面工式给出,所以在咨询型号参数的时候,这个参数必需是客户指定参数.
Then there is a fairly large load capacitance. The load capacitance CL is the capacitance that the oscillator exhibits when observing the circuit through the resonator. The load capacitance is in series or parallel with the resonator. For parallel load conditions. The presence of CL will affect the parallel resonant frequency, and the parallel load resonant frequency FL is given by the following equation, so when consulting the model parameters, this parameter must be the customer-specified parameter.
- 阅读(154)
- [新闻中心]石英手表的诞生2018年09月04日 08:58
世界上第一块石英表的实际应用与音叉石英晶振的开发是不少工程师所流下的血液,汗水以及眼泪的结晶.随着时间慢慢的推移,石英晶振产品不断的连接着电视,电脑,手机,手表等慢慢靠近着我们的生活.渐渐的这些石英晶振产品已发展成电子行业不可或缺的固定产品.甚至被称为”工业之盐”,电子产品的”心脏”.这些石英晶振最早主由EPSON TOYOCOM公司生产制作而成.
The practical application of the world's first quartz watch and the development of the tuning fork quartz crystal oscillator are the crystallization of blood, sweat and tears that many engineers shed. As time goes by, quartz crystal products are continuously connected to TVs and computers. Mobile phones, watches, etc. are slowly approaching our lives. Gradually these quartz crystal products have developed into indispensable fixed products for the electronics industry. They are even called "the salt of industry", the "heart" of electronic products. These quartz crystal oscillators The earliest production was produced by EPSON TOYOCOM.
QMEMS(Quartz+”MEMS”)是促进MEMS(微电子机械系统)晶体材料微加工工艺独特技术的名称,是EPSON TOYOCOM公司产品的主要核心技术.通过充分利用这项技术的优势可以为石英晶体器件实现更小巧的尺寸及更好的性能.QMEMS技术的起源可以追溯到20世纪70年代初.
QMEMS (Quartz+ "MEMS") is the name of a unique technology that promotes micromachining of MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) crystal materials. It is the main core technology of EPSON TOYOCOM. By taking advantage of this technology, it can be realized for quartz crystal devices. Smaller size and better performance. The origins of QMEMS technology can be traced back to the early 1970s.
1969年,在日本中部的苏瓦湖岸边,当地的一家公司悄然成功地将世界上第一块石英晶振手表变成了现实 - “精工石英天文35Q”(图1),这一事件让世界措手不及。
In 1969, on the shores of Lake Suva in central Japan, a local company quietly succeeded in turning the world's first quartz watch into reality - "Seiko Quartz Astronomy 35Q" (Figure 1), an event that caught the world off guard. .
This is really an epoch-making breakthrough. Prior to this, quartz clocks, although very precise, were so large that they could not be easily carried, but were suspended from the wall in the form of a box-shaped clock. Although mechanical watches certainly exist, these are not precise. An innovative solution is needed to solve the double problem of better precision and more compact size, and companies around the world have ruthlessly competed in the mid to late 1960s to find a problem.
图1:世界上第一块石英手表'精工石英Astron 35Q'
YouTube是Google Inc.的商标
图2:Quartz Astron开发之前的晶体单元这是
在Quartz Astron到来之前实际使用的晶体单元
It is Seiko Suva Co., on the shores of Lake Suva, and it is quietly controlling this growing competitor. One of the factors that led Seiko Suva to lead its competitors was the company's success in making crystal units more compact. The traditional crystal device is very large in size and cannot be loaded into a watch-like thing (Fig. 2). Seiko Suva solved this problem by adopting a new structure called "tuning fork crystal". The newly developed 'Cal.35SQ' size* crystal unit has a diameter of 4.3 mm and a length of 18.5 mm (Fig. 3). In addition, Seiko Suva can adjust the internal structure of the crystal unit to overcome the problems caused by vibrations and impacts that are often encountered when the watch is attached to the wearer's wrist.
*此时公司开发的音叉式水晶单元用于Suwa Seikosha内部制造的手表。因此,“我们没有给他们一个特定的产品型号,只是通过他们的机芯名称或手表的操作机制(Calibre,或'Cal。')来提及它们,”Mutsumi Negita说。
* At this time, the company's tuning fork crystal unit was used for watches made inside Suwa Seikosha. Therefore, "we didn't give them a specific product model, just mention them by their movement name or the operating mechanism of the watch (Calibre, or 'Cal.')," Mutsumi Negita said.
图3:Quartz Astron中使用的音叉晶体单元
采用新开发的音叉结构,使Suwa Seikosha能够成功制造出更小的晶体单元,半径仅为4.3mm,长度为18.5mm。它被分配了型号“Type Cal.35SQ”并且具有8.192kHz的正常频率。Figure 3: Tuning fork crystal unit used in Quartz Astron
With the newly developed tuning fork structure, Suwa Seikosha was able to successfully manufacture smaller crystal units with a radius of only 4.3 mm and a length of 18.5 mm. It is assigned the model "Type Cal.35SQ" and has a normal frequency of 8.192 kHz.- 阅读(168)
- [行业新闻]爱普生晶振新推出差分输出晶体振荡器2018年08月25日 10:35
Japan Seiko Epson Crystal Co., Ltd. was established in May 1942. So far, it has become a well-known imported crystal brand in the crystal industry. Japan Epson crystal oscillator, KDS large vacuum crystal oscillator,Seiko crystaloscillator, KYOCERA crystal oscillator, NDK crystal oscillator are Japanese large crystal oscillators. Brand suppliers. The market competitiveness is relatively large, and the major imported crystal brand manufacturers are constantly developing and producing new products.
On March 26, 2014, Epson Crystal Corporation introduced the SG7050EBN crystal. This quartz crystal oscillator model is the next generation of differential output crystal (differential signal hands on high frequency clock and data signals for good signal integrity and High noise immunity. For example: high precision, high temperature, low jitter, low power consumption. It can achieve extremely low phase jitter (fluctuations before the clock cycle, which may cause errors during data transmission).
The SG7050EBN crystal has a frequency range of 100 to 175 MHz and can achieve phase jitter of 65 fs. These features are suitable for 1040 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet interconnections used in data centers and central offices. The SG7050EBN crystal oscillator will be used for wired network equipment. , including operators and enterprises, such as high-end routers and switches.
The SG7050EBN uses an oscillator IC designed for low noise and a QMEMS (QMEMS combined with quartz), a piezoelectric crystal material with excellent stability and precision, and a "MEMS" microcomputer system designed with micro-fabrication technology. Combines the advantages of MEMS technology with the basic advantages of quartz materials. It is also a trademark of Seiko Epson Crystal Co., Ltd.) Processed high-frequency fundamental (HFF) AT-cut crystal (HFF crystal unit is etched into an inverted mesa shape by photolithography and High-frequency oscillation crystal chip). Realize 65fs phase jitter. Epson's HFF crystal technology is more reliable than traditional third-harmonic crystal. Epson Crystal's follow-up is also intended to solve network equipment by gradually releasing new products supporting HCSL and LVDS standards. Various differential output formats used in the EPSON crystal oscillator are dedicated to improving the customer's design freedom in a highly compact 5032 (5.0*3.2*1.0mm) package.
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- [行业新闻]爱普生新推可编程晶体振荡器SG-8101CE晶振及SG-9101CG晶振2018年08月20日 09:37
精工爱普生晶振公司将推广备受欢迎的可编程晶体振荡器系列,推出两个新开发的差分晶振系列产品。与同类产品相比,新型SG-8101晶振系列和SG-9101晶振系列具有更宽的工作温度范围和50%的电流消耗,而SG-8101晶振的频率容差更高66%。用户可以使用SG-Writer II* 1编程工具对SG-8101系列和扩频振荡器进行编程,从而降低SG-9101系列中的光谱EMI辐射。量产计划于2016年6月开始。
Seiko Epson Crystal will introduce the popular family of programmable crystal oscillators and introduce two newly developed differential crystal oscillators. Compared to similar products, the new SG-8101 crystal series and the SG-9101 crystal series have a wider operating temperature range and 50% current consumption, while the SG-8101 crystal has a 66% higher frequency tolerance. Users can program the SG-8101 Series and Spread Spectrum Oscillator with the SG-Writer II* 1 programming tool to reduce spectral EMI emissions in the SG-9101 Series. The mass production plan begins in June 2016.
近年来,越来越需要能够在多种环境中使用的多功率及多功能小型电子设备。包括极端户外和工厂安装,对具有出色频率稳定性和耐受各种温度的能力的晶体振荡器的需求已经增加。 。
In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for multi-power and multi-function small electronic devices that can be used in a variety of environments. Including extreme outdoor and factory installations, the demand for crystal oscillators with excellent frequency stability and ability to withstand various temperatures has increased. .
自从1997年推出世界上第一台可编程晶振SG-8000系列以来,爱普生晶振公司为市场提供了小巧,精确的可编程振荡器。爱普生开发了新的SG-8101系列,配备了高效,紧凑和精密技术的仓库。和SG-9101系列结合使用QMEMS * 2,半导体和温度补偿晶体振荡器(TCXO)频率调节技术。
Since the introduction of the world's first programmable crystal oscillator SG-8000 series in 1997, Epson Crystal has provided the market with a compact, accurate programmable oscillator. Epson has developed the new SG-8101 series, equipped with efficient, compact and sophisticated technology warehouses. Combined with the SG-9101 series, QMEMS* 2, semiconductor and temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) frequency adjustment technology.
虽然这两个系列都提供了与早期爱普生产品相当的频率和其他参数的简单可编程性(SG-8101晶振为,SG-9001晶振为SG-9101晶振),它们还具有更宽的工作温度范围,最高限制为105℃。除了2.5 mm x 2.0 mm封装,使电子制造商能够节省电路板空间外,石英晶体振荡器还将提供以下常用封装尺寸:3.2 mm x 2.5 mm,5.0 mm x 3.2 mm和7.0 mm x 5.0毫米。
Although both series offer simple programmability with frequency and other parameters comparable to earlier Epson products (SG-8101 crystal, SG-9001 crystal is SG-9101 crystal), they also have a wider operating temperature range The maximum limit is 105 °C. In addition to the 2.5 mm x 2.0 mm package, electronics manufacturers can save board space, and the oscillators are available in the following common package sizes: 3.2 mm x 2.5 mm, 5.0 mm x 3.2 mm, and 7.0 mm x 5.0 mm.
与同类产品相比,SG-8101系列振荡器的频率容差约为66%,电流消耗降低50%。使用扩频的SG-9101系列振荡器比可比数据消耗的电流低75%。用户可以使用Epson SG-Writer II(另售)将产品编程到所需的输出频率,以及所需的输出频率调制曲线和周期。
Compared with similar products, the SG-8101 series oscillators have a frequency tolerance of approximately 66% and a current consumption reduction of 50%. The spread-spectrum SG-9101 series oscillator consumes 75% less current than comparable data. Users can use the Epson SG-Writer II (sold separately) to program the product to the desired output frequency, as well as the desired output frequency modulation curve and period.
These oscillators can be used in a variety of environmental conditions. They will also significantly improve performance, reduce power requirements, rapid development cycles and small batch production.
* 1 SG-Writer II和可选组件将通过软件更新(免费)支持SG-8002和SG-8003系列中的现有产品以及新SG-8101和SG-9101系列中的产品。
* 2 QMEMS:
QMEMS器件通过微晶加工工艺在晶体材料上而不是像MEMS这样的半导体材料上生产,在紧凑的封装中提供高性能。QMEMS是Seiko Epson Corporation的注册商标。
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- [行业新闻]Transko crystal特兰斯科温补晶振选型列表2018年07月21日 09:49
- 特兰斯科晶振公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州。公司自1992年成立以来一直致力于研发生产高精密TCXO温补晶振.从1993年开始在美国加利福尼亚州拉古纳山开设制造工厂,引进高端生产设备,在历经四年的时间后开始正式生产TCXO温补晶振以及VCXO压控晶振.在这一年,Transko特兰斯科晶振公司取得了非常大的增长突破。
图片 零件号 符合RoHS 封装 逻辑(输出) 供电电压 频率 TX-O
合规 2.5 X 2.0陶瓷
4焊盘SMD截断正弦波 2.5V,2.8V,3.0V,3.3V
16.000MHz~26.000MHz TX-U
合规 2.0 X 1.6陶瓷
4垫SMD截断正弦波 1.8V,2.5V
2.8V,3.0V,3.3V13.000MHz~52.000MHz TX-N
合规 2.5 X 2.0陶瓷
4焊盘SMD截断正弦波 1.8V,2.5V,2.8V 13.000MHz~52.000MHz TX-L
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
2.8V,3.0V,3.3V4.000MHz~54.000MHz TX-M
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
(模拟补偿)截断正弦波 1.8V,2.5V
2.8V,3.0V,3.3V16.000MHz~26.000MHz TX-Q
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
4垫SMDCMOS 1.8V,2.5V
2.8V,3.0V,3.3V4.000MHz~54.000MHz TFC5
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
削波正弦波3.3V,5.0V 10.000MHz~40.000MHz TX-J
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
削波正弦波3.3V,5.0V 10.000MHz~40.000MHz TE-J
合规 5.0 X 3.2 Epoxy
削波正弦波1.8V,2.5V,3.3V 13.000MHz~52.000MHz TX-T
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
3.0V,3.3V,5.0V4.000MHz~54.000MHz TFC
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
削波正弦波3.3V,5.0V 5.000MHz~40.000MHz TE-S
合规 7.0 X 5.0 Epoxy
削波正弦波1.8V,2.5V,3.3V 10.000MHz~40.000MHz TXCS
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
截断正弦波3.3V 10.000MHz~16.376MHz TX-K
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
削波正弦波2.5V,3.3V 5.000MHz~52.000MHz TX-P
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
削波正弦波3.3V,5.0V 5.000MHz~40.000MHz TX-S
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
削波正弦波3.3V,5.0V 5.000MHz~50.000MHz TX-SB
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
SMD截断正弦波 3.3V,5.0V 10.000MHz~27.000MHz TX-R
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
4垫SMDCMOS 3.3V,5.0V 1.250MHz~156.250MHz TX-V
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
削波正弦波3.3V,5.0V 5.000MHz~40.000MHz TX-A
合规 14针DIP通孔
4.5mm高度CMOS / TTL
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz TX-AL
合规 14针DIP通孔
LVPECL3.3V,5.0V 750kHz~800.000MHz TX-B
合规 14针DIP通孔
8.5mm高度CMOS / TTL
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz TX-BL
合规 14针DIP通孔
LVPECL3.3V,5.0V 750kHz~800.000MHz TX-C
合规 20.0 X 20.0
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz TX-d
合规 14.3 X 8.7 FR4 PCB
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz TX-D6
合规 14.3 X 8.7 FR4 PCB
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz TX-E
合规 18.3 X 11.7 PCB SMD CMOS / TTL
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz TX-EL
合规 18.3 X 11.7 PCB SMD LVDS
LVPECL3.3V,5.0V 750kHz~800.000MHz TX-F4
合规 11.4 X 9.8 PCB
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz TX-F6
合规 11.4 X 9.8 PCB
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz VTXLN
合规 11.4 X 9.6 PCB
-150dBC / Hz @ 1kHzHCMOS 3.3V,5.0V 10.000MHz~20.000MHz TX-G
合规 11.4 X 11.6 PCB
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1.250MHz~50.000MHz TX-H
合规 14针DIP
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz TFL
合规 14针DIP
LVPECL3.3V,5.0V 750kHz~800.000MHz THH
合规 8针DIP
CSW / SW3.3V,5.0V 1kHz~800.000MHz THL
合规 8针DIP
LVPECL3.3V,5.0V 750kHz~800.000MHz The company is Transko crystal in California, USA. Since its establishment in 1992, the company has been committed to the development and production of high-precision TCXO temperature-compensated crystal oscillators. Since 1993, it has opened a manufacturing plant in Laguna Hills, California, USA, and introduced high-end production equipment. After four years, it began to officially produce TCXO. Temperature-compensated crystal oscillators and VCXO voltage-controlled crystal oscillators. In this year, Transko Tranco Crystal has achieved a very large growth breakthrough.
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- [行业新闻]Transko Crystal Oscillator晶体振荡器型号目录2018年07月04日 10:13
- Transko Crystal Oscillator晶体振荡器自1992年公司成立后的第四年开始研发生产成品晶体和振荡器。而后的一年便快速的推出VCXO CRYSTAL压控晶体振荡器,及TCXO CRYSTAL温补晶振。由于Transko Crystal Oscillator晶体振荡器得到市场的认可,订单量大境,取得了巨大的突破。使的Transko Crystal公司不得不搬迁到加利福尼亚洲阿海海姆的更大工厂。
acing="1" cellpadding="0" class="ke-zeroborder">
图片 部件号 符合RoHS 封装尺寸 输出方式 供电电压 频率 TSM16
合规 1.6 X 1.2陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V,2.5V,3.3V 1.000MHz~80.000MHz TSL21
合规 2.0 X 1.6陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V,2.5V,3.3V,5.0V 32.768kHz的 TSM21
合规 2.0 X 1.6陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V,2.5V,3.3V 1.000MHz~80.000MHz TLP22
合规 2.5 X 2.0陶瓷
(最大10uA)32.768kHz的 TP22
合规 2.5 X 2.0陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V~3.3V 1.000MHz~200.000MHz TP22A
合规 2.5 X 2.0陶瓷
LVPECL2.5V,3.3V 10.000MHz~1500.000MHz TSL22
合规 2.5 X 2.0陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V,2.5V,2.8V
合规 2.5 X 2.0陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.0V~5.0V 0.750MHz~125.000MHz TEL31
合规 3.2 X1.5陶瓷
(最大1.5uA)32.768kHz的 TEL32
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
(最大1.5uA)32.768kHz的 TG 32
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
LVPECL2.5V,3.3V 10.000MHz~1500.000MHz THS32
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
6 PAD SMDHCMOS 2.5V~3.3V 2.500MHz~55.000MHz TLP32
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
(最大10uA)32.768kHz的 TLSM3
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
6 PAD SMDLVDS 2.5V~3.3V 13.500MHz~156.250MHz TP32
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V~3.3V 1.000MHz~200.000MHz TSM32
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.0V~5.0V 1.000MHz~156.250MHz TSL32
合规 3.2 X 2.5陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V~5.0V 32.768kHz
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
低EMI2.5V,3.3V 1.000MHz~200.000MHz TSM53
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
CMOS / TTL1.0V~5.0V 1.000MHz~200.000MHz TGM5
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
LVPECL2.5V~3.3V 25.000MHz~200.000MHz TLSM5
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
6 PAD SMDLVDS 2.5V~3.3V 12.000MHz~800.000MHz TP53A
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
LVPECL2.5V,3.3V 10.000MHz~1500MHz TPSM5
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
6 PAD SMDLVPECL 2.5V~3.3V 0.750MHz~800.000MHz TSL53
合规 5.0 X 3.2陶瓷
4 PAD SMDCMOS 1.0V~5.0V 32.768kHz
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
低EMI2.5V,3.3V 1.000MHz~200.000MHz TP75A
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
LVPECL2.5V,3.3V 10.000MHz~1500MHz TSL75
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V~5.0V 32.768kHz
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
4 PAD SMDHCMOS 1.8V,2.5V,2.8V
3.0V,3.3V,5.0V1.000MHz~200.000MHz TLSM
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
6 PAD SMDLVDS 2.5V~3.3V 12.000MHz~800.000MHz TPSM
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
6 PAD SMDLVPECL 2.5V~3.3V 12.000MHz~800.000MHz THCSL
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
6 PAD SMDHCSL 2.5V,3.3V 13.500MHz~200.000MHz TGM
合规 7.0 X 5.0陶瓷
LVPECL2.5V,3.3V 25.000MHz~200.000MHz TSP
合规 14.0 X 9.8塑料
CMOS / TTL3.3V,5.0V 1.000MHz~125.000MHz TLS
合规 14.5 X 9.2 PCB基座
6P SMDLVDS 2.5V~5.0V 0.750MHz~800.000MHz TPS
合规 14.5 X 9.2 PCB基座
6P SMDLVPECL 2.5V,3.3V 12.000MHz~800.000MHz TPS-1236
合规 14.3 X 8.7 PCB基座
4P SMDHCMOS 3.3V 24.576MHz~49.152MHz SXO
合规 8脚DIP / 14脚DIP
HCMOS / TTL1.8V~5.0V 200Hz~300.000MHz SXS
合规 8脚DIP / 14脚DIP
通孔CSW 3.3V,5.0V 6.000MHz~190.000MHz SXL
合规 8脚DIP / 14脚DIP
通孔LVDS 3.3V,5.0V 0.750MHz~800.000MHz SXP
合规 8脚DIP / 14脚DIP
通孔PECL 3.3V,5.0V 0.750MHz~800.000MHz ECP
合规 14针DIP全尺寸
通孔PECL 3.3V,5.0V 0.750MHz~800.000MHz EXO
合规 14针DIP全尺寸
通孔ECL -5.2V 10.000MHz~250.000MHz The TranskoCrystal Oscillator crystal oscillator has been developing and producing crystals and oscillators since the company was founded in 1992, fourth years ago. In the following year, VCXO CRYSTAL voltage controlled crystal oscillator and TCXO CRYSTAL temperature compensated crystal oscillator were quickly launched. As the Transko Crystal Oscillator crystal oscillator has been recognized by the market, the volume of orders has been greatly improved, and great breakthroughs have been made. The Transko Crystal company had to move to a larger factory in aheim, California.
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